Dharamsala TC

300 Hour

Yoga Teacher Training

Jenny Lintvedt 300 hour yoga teacher training

Our 300-hour Teacher Training program is designed for those who wish to enhance their teaching skills and

deepen their practice beyond their initial 200-hour training. We will cover alignment, yoga philosophy,

functional anatomy and physiology, sequencing and cueing, as well as the business and ethics of yoga. Our

intent is to create a transformational experience that helps you meet your professional teaching goals while also contributing positively to your own personal growth

OR Scroll Down to Apply

What is the schedule for the 2025 Teacher Training?

This teacher training is designed to be woven into your life. We will meet two weekends/month from March through October, with a brief break in July.


April 5/6
April 26/27
May31/june 1
June 14/15
June 28/29
July off – zoom check in
Aug 16/17
Aug 30/31
Sept 13/14
Sept 27/28
Oct 11/12
Oct 25/26
Nov 8/9

    All sessions will be at our Robinwood location from 8:00 -5:00 pm.

    What you get with your training

    • Unlimited Membership
    • Real Teaching Opportunities
    • 500 Hour Facilitator
    • Inclusive Welcoming Community
    • Yoga Alliance Accredited Education

    Jenny Lintvedt 300 hour yoga teacher training
    Jenny Lintvedt teaching yoga at Dharamsala in Traverse City

    How much does the program cost?

    The early bird rate is $3995 until January 31, 2024.

    The regular tuition rate is $4250.

    Your application and $250 nonrefundable deposit (which is applied toward tuition) must be received by March 8, 2025 to participate.

    Payment plans are available and can be tailored to each individual so long as tuition is paid in full by the end of the program, October 26, 2025.

    Please contact the studio to set this up: info@dharamsalatc.com.

    Meet your Facilitator

    Jenny Lintvedt

    Jenny Lintvedt

    Jenny brings to her yoga teaching a background in Exercise Science as well as a deep interest in eastern religion and philosophy.

    She received her B.A. from the University of Michigan and her Master of Science in Exercise Science from Oakland University.

    Jenny has been teaching yoga since 2009 and is certified as an ERYT 500.  Jenny brings her knowledge of functional anatomy into her classes, emphasizing the role it plays in developing and maintaining a sustainable, well balanced yoga practice.  She incorporates into her classes the sacred teachings of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, Tantra and Buddha dharma.

    She was a lead 200-hour teacher trainer for 10 years, certifying over 100 teachers across Northern Michigan in their 200 RYT designation through Yoga Alliance.

    How to Apply

    Fill out the online application (below) and submit your non refundable $250 deposit (which is deducted from your overall tuition). We will be in touch within a week to confirm your enrollment and look forward to welcoming you as a student!

    300 Hour Teacher Training Application

    8 + 12 =

    Yoga Teacher Training Traverse City

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What if I can’t attend some of the sessions?

    We will have outside make-up work assignments to be completed within that month.

    Is this program registered with Yoga Alliance?

    Yes it is!

    Is membership included throughout the duration of training?

    Yes! An unlimited membership is included from March-October so you can be an avid student and complete your ancillary hours.

    Are there any additional costs to participate in Teacher Training?

    Books from the required reading list are not included in the cost of training.

    Reading List:

    • Hatha Yoga Pradipika Swami Muktibodhananda
    • Eastern Body, Western Mind(revised) Anodea Judith
    • Light on Pranayama B.K.S. Iyengar
    • How to Meditate – Pema Chodron
    • Anatomy of Hatha Yoga H. David Coulter
    • Anatomy Coloring Book, Wyn Kapit, 4th Edition
    • Key Muscles of Hatha Yoga Ray Long, M.D.

    What style of yoga does the training cover?

    This teacher training is a Hatha Yoga training based upon the Panchamaya system – the five sheaths of being. There will be in depth study of all layers of being: the physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual realms of being. You will learn to effectively teach an “all levels” Vinyasa practice as well as Yin and Restorative Yoga.

    Who is leading the Teacher Training?

    Jenny Lintvedt ERYT 500, M.S., is the lead facilitator for this program. Jenny was the lead teacher for a YA registered 200 hour Teacher Training program for ten years, certifying over 100 yoga teachers in their 200 hr designation across Northern Michigan. She brings to her yoga teaching a background in Exercise Science as well as a deep interest in eastern religion and philosophy, receiving her B.A. from the University of Michigan. Upon graduating from U of M she returned to school to receive her required undergrad science courses, allowing her to attain her Master’s degree in Exercise Science from Oakland University. Jenny has always been passionate about health and wellness and the healing effects of balanced living through yoga, exercise and eating well. She began her career as an Exercise Physiologist working in a Cardiology office, providing healthy lifestyle consultations as well as cardiac stress testing. She has been teaching in the group exercise setting for the past 30 years and has seen how group exercise and group yoga classes create a sense of community and connection that goes beyond the mat and classroom. Jenny has been teaching yoga since 2009 and is certified as a 500 E-RYT.

    She is trained in both her 200 and 300 hour certifications with Sandra Carden, 500 E-RYT Union Yoga, located in Northern Michigan.

    How do I apply for the Teacher Training program?

    Fill out the online or paper application and submit your non refundable $250 deposit (which is deducted from your overall tuition). We will be in touch within a week to confirm your enrollment and look forward to welcoming you as a student!

    Additional questions can be directed to info@dharamsalatc.com

    We are a Yoga Alliance Accredited yoga school.


    Two Traverse City Locations!

    869 Robinwood Court

    319 Front Street

    Traverse City, MI 49686


    (231) 421-3808

    Open Hours

    Monday        6:00 am - 7:00 pm
    Tuesday        5:30 am – 7:00 pm
    Wednesday    6:00 am – 7:00 pm
    Thursday       5:30 am – 7:00 pm
    Friday            6:30 am – 6:00 pm
    Saturday        8:00 am – 11:00 am
    Sunday          8:30 am –12:00 pm

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