Class Info
Learn more about our classes.

Detox focuses on detoxifying and purifying the body through energetic postures, flow-based movement, and an emphasis on spinal mobility and core work. This vinyasa-based practice will heat you from the inside out through repetitive movement, challenging posture options, and intentional breathwork.
Experience level: All levels are welcome
Temperature: Heated, 80–85 degrees
Key words: Energetic, Cleansing, Athletic

Gentle Yoga
Gentle Yoga is an accessible class tailored toward stretching-based yoga postures that focus on flexibility and mobility. Class will minimize standing work in favor of seated, prone, and supine postures that aid in
down-regulating the nervous system. Students will explore breathing exercises, mantra, and meditation, ending the practice with an extended, deep relaxation period.
Experience level: All levels are welcome, suitable for beginner’s
Temperature: Warm, 75-80 degrees
Key words: Stretchy, Calming, Peaceful

Happy Hour Flow
In this class we are creating space to allow your mind and body to find a sense of deep relaxation. We will use the healing benefits of infrared heat, gentle and supported postures to let the week go and prepare for the weekend. This class is followed by an optional toast with an ice cold beer, wine or sparkling water!
Experience level: All levels are welcome
Temperature: Heated, 75-78 degrees
Key words: Stretchy, Calming, Peaceful

Hot Vinyasa Flow
The word Vinyasa is often translated as, “to place in a particular order.” Vinyasa Flow places postures in a progressive manner at a moderate pace, linking breath with movement. Class will either work toward a peak posture or be sequenced for total-body movement and benefit. A Vinyasa practice focuses on building strength, balance, and flexibility while calming the mind. Practicing Vinyasa in a heated room increases cardiovascular activity, detoxifies the body, and lends additional challenge to the class experience.
Experience level: All levels are welcome
Temperature: Hot, 90-95 degrees
Key words: Balanced, Flowy, Focused

Power Yoga
Power Yoga incorporates strength-based movements in a vinyasa-style format. Expect more challenging postures to be offered, from arm balances to inversions, and heat to be built through repetition of movement. This class is heated, athletic, and aims to build endurance and resilience both physically and mentally.
Experience level: Intermediate to advanced
Temperature: Heated, 80-85 degrees
Key words: Athletic, Challenging, Energetic

Restore is designed to allow the body and mind to open into a deep sense of relaxation. Gentle, supported postures are held for several minutes, recharging the body’s energetic system, down-regulating the nervous system, and inviting the mind to turn inward.
Experience level: All levels are welcome, suitable for beginner’s
Temperature: Warm, 75-80 degrees
Key words: Restful, Gentle, Meditative

Slow Flow
Slow Flow follows the principles of a traditional Vinyasa Flow class, but with more intentional movements, a slower rhythm, fewer chaturanga transitions, and more time to explore the body and mind alongside the breath. This class is mindful, approachable, and geared toward improving flexibility and increasing strength through sustained postures.
Experience level: All levels are welcome, suitable for beginner’s
Temperature: Warm, 75-80 degrees
Slow flow: Intentional, Balanced, Flowy

Vinyasa Flow
The word Vinyasa is often translated as, “to place in a particular order.” Vinyasa Flow places postures in a progressive manner at a moderate pace, linking breath with movement. Class will either work toward a peak
posture or be sequenced for total-body movement and benefit. A Vinyasa practice focuses on building strength, balance, and flexibility while calming the mind.
Experience level: All levels are welcome
Temperature: Warm, 75-80 degrees
Key words: Balanced, Flowy, Focused
Specialty Classes

Core Flow
Pilates Flow weaves traditional Pilates Mat exercises, yoga postures, and core drills into a strength-based practice geared toward increasing physical fitness. With a focus on technique, breath, precision, and flow, both
your body and mind will be challenged.
Experience level: All levels are welcome
Temperature: Warm, 70-75 degrees
Key words: Core-focused, Challenging, Precise

Mobility Flow
Mobility Flow combines stretching, joint strengthening, and soft tissue release to create a well-rounded, full-body experience. The often overlooked practice of mobility will improve range of motion, joint function, and target imbalances in your body, in turn helping your body move with less pain and function at its optimal level of performance. This class provides balance to all fitness modalities.
Experience level: All levels are welcome
Temperature: Warm, 75-80 degrees
Key words: Balancing, Stretchy, Functional

Trapeze Yoga Flow
Practice yoga in a new and different way! Trapeze Yoga Flow utilizes a trapeze sling during this dynamic, high energy yoga practice that focuses on increasing strength, flexibility, balance, traction, and mobility. This class
makes certain yoga postures more accessible, compliments a regular yoga practice by adding elements of pulling, grip strength, and back strength, and delivers a healthy dose of FUN!
Experience level: All levels are welcome
Temperature: Warm, 75-80 degrees
Key words: Fun, Strength-based, Energetic
Yoga for Kids
*See the schedule for current class offerings.

Baby Bees
Ages 6 weeks-crawling
This fun class is all about baby! Learn yoga and exercises specific to baby’s muscle and brain development as you help them strengthen muscles needed to move into their next stage of development and begin sitting, scooting, crawling and walking.
Baby yoga aids in digestion, promotes better sleeping patterns and even tummy time will be fun as we sing and play! Moms, Dads and caregivers are welcome!
Class is 45 minutes and even includes some shoulder stretching poses for the grownups so they leave feeling refreshed!

Little Bees
Walkers – Age 4
Partner with your Little Bee in fun, animated poses as we take a yoga adventure! We combine yoga poses with fun songs, puppets, singing and dancing plus some free play time. We’ll bark in downward dog, hiss in cobra pose and flutter our butterfly wings as we stretch, balance, twist, bend and play yoga! We’ll plant seeds for kindness, compassion, empathy, connection, confidence, body awareness, self-regulation, finding our calm, sharing and for bonding between parent & child, all while strengthening growing muscles and using our imaginations. Mom, dad, grandparent or caregiver welcome. This class is for walkers through age 4 and is 45 minutes long.

Busy Bees
Ages 3-6
Join us for yoga adventures, games, mindfulness and relaxation.
Fun themes and interactions introduce this boisterous age group to yoga + mindfulness giving them lifelong skills for self-health, relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being.

Kids Connection Corner
Ages 5-12
Ages: 5-12 Connection corner is a mixed-age yoga, mindfulness, and social emotional learning class. This class will incorporate movement, music, breathing exercises, games and creative projects. All activities will be designed to build confidence, self-awareness, and connection.
Mixed age groups provide an opportunity for children to take on and experiment with different roles within the group.
Connection Corner will be a space where kids are free to play, learn, share, grow, and connect with one another.

Honey Bees
Ages 7-11
With this boisterous age group, we combine music, cooperative games, breath-work, mindfulness exercises, relaxation and yoga into a fun 60 minute class.
We encourage focus on inward mindfulness, opposed to perfect poses. However, healthier bodies will be the result of poses that stretch, strengthen, and build coordination.
This combination of yoga and mindfulness gives children lifelong skills for self-health, relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being.

Trapeze Yoga for Kids
Ages 7-11 Only
Trapeze yoga for kids is an experience you won’t find anywhere else in Traverse City! Your child’s face will light up when they experience the feeling of the yoga trapeze. Children will be taught how to safely use the hammock in a fun and interesting way while also intertwining mindfulness and breath work into each class. kids trapeze yoga is a unique way to feel support from the sling and encouragement from friends! FUN GUARANTEED!

Ages 12+
Many of today’s youth feel constant stress, anxiety, and pressure to perform. Yoga + mindfulness classes give teens and pre-teens some much needed “down time”.
We encourage respect for others along with a love for one’s self, inside and out as we explore concepts such as trust, loving kindness, peace and gratitude.
Most importantly, these 60 minute classes are creative and fun providing a safe and encouraging environment for teens and tweens to relax and “just bee”.

Ages 0-100+
Yoga practiced as a family encourages cooperation, communication and respect between children, parents and siblings.
These lively classes incorporate basic yoga poses, breath-work and relaxation through creative and fun yoga-themed adventures. We create a safe space for connection and play.
The class curriculum is designed for ages 4-11, but we welcome all ages from 0-113!
*See the schedule for current class offerings.

Join a Class Today!
Yoga provides space for an incredible journey. These practices are generous and healing. We recognize their potential to increase health and happiness – all we have to do is show up… just as we are.
Whatever your reason for showing up, we are so glad you have! We welcome you with open arms and are ready for this beautiful journey to begin!

Private Groups and Parties
Whether it’s a birthday party, wedding party, family reunion, a group of friends, or some personal instruction, private groups are awesome! Let us know your ideas and we will personalize a private group just for you.
Why Yoga?
Yoga is for everyone. It's a time to let go of the outside world as you connect your mind and body letting go of stress and worries. It's learning tools for taking this peacefulness off the mat into the world, bringing a sense of calm to yourself and those around you.
What Should I Bring?
A yoga mat and water bottle for all classes. If you have other props, please feel free to bring those to class or borrow from the studio. We also offer a variety of props for purchase to use both in class and for your home practice. Please ask if you are unsure what props you might need for a particular class.
What Should I Wear?
Comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely.
I'm not very flexible, but I'd love to try yoga. What do you recommend?
You do not need to be flexible to practice yoga. Yoga is a system of movement and meditation with many benefits. It may help you improve your flexibility over time as well as your strength, your balance, your body awareness, your connection to mind and body…the list goes on. Every body is built differently and our teachers are trained to work with students across a broad spectrum of physiques and physical abilities.
Two Traverse City Locations!
869 Robinwood Court
319 Front Street
Traverse City, MI 49686
(231) 421-3808
Open Hours
Monday 6:00 am - 7:00 pm
Tuesday 5:30 am – 7:00 pm
Wednesday 6:00 am – 7:00 pm
Thursday 5:30 am – 7:00 pm
Friday 6:30 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 8:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday 8:30 am –12:00 pm